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12 розповідей на англійській мові  (5 клас)

About Myself
My Friend
My Family
What Schoolchildren Wear in Britain
Англійська мова | Переглядів: 8835 | Додав: DEN-SHP | Дата: 01.12.2012 | Коментарі (0)

14 творів (english)

1. My last day off.
2. The library of our institute.
3. A visit to a sick friend.
4. My family.
5. The working day of an engineer.
6. My working day.
7. My grandmother country house.
8. The lesson of English.
9. What will be there in my new flat.
10. How did I spend last summer?
11.My first journey.
12.My work at the foreign trade company.
13.My breakfast.
14.My district and my flat.

Англійська мова | Переглядів: 1265 | Додав: DEN-SHP | Дата: 23.11.2012 | Коментарі (0)

Англійська мова (тема "Книги")



We may have the great honour to be present at the decline of printing as such. The books as the mass pastime have been ousted from our lives for several decades already. Modern electronic mass media (radio, television) are ousting books more and more; the bookshelves in people’s homes are getting sparse. However, several hundreds years ago the invention of printing was the initial factor that at once changed all conditions of the intellectual life of Western Europe....

Англійська мова | Переглядів: 888 | Додав: DEN-SHP | Дата: 23.11.2012 | Коментарі (0)


Teen terror  

A father was jailed last week for restraining his daughter.
 George Trimble was jailed for a few hours last week for physically trying to prevent his 15-year-old daughert Susie from going to see her boyfriend. He held her by the wrist, but she managet to escape. Later, she told the police he'd assaulted her, and he was held at the station for questioning. Susie has now dropped the assault charges and the family is trying to patch things up...  

Англійська мова | Переглядів: 32004 | Автор: DEN-SHP | Дата: 12.11.2012 | Коментарі (2)